Aaron‘s Photo Tours is a two time recipient of Trip Advisor’s Certificate of Excellence. Here is what our participants are saying…

I’ve been all over the world photographing birds but I’ve not had a better experience than the day tour I took with Aaron to Skagit Valley to photograph the owls, raptors, and geese. What a helpful, personable, and enthusiastic guide Aaron is! We’ll definitely plan another trip from SF to go birding on another one of Aaron’s tours. – Joe, M – San Francisco, CA

“Fun, informative, exciting, exhilarating….if this describes your expectations for a wildlife photo shoot, then look no further than Aaron Baggenstos. Aaron’s passion for photography and his knowledge of wildlife are the perfect combination for an exceptional photo tour. On-location instruction/coaching combined with many hours each day of photographing wildlife is a methodology that insures a memorable learning experience regardless of photography skill level.”

“We were impressed by the educational content preceding the first day in the field. Aaron brought in a local owl expert, who explained the differences in the various species we hoped to see and provided a lot of detailed information about the raptors. Also, Aaron showed us a brief video he put together on his scouting trip to the locations we would visit. Once the tour started, we had to patient for a good opportunity (this IS wildlife!), but when it came up it was wonderful. Great Gray Owls in flight during a snowstorm. Snowy Owls on the plains in great light. Aaron’s technical knowledge of still photography and video techniques is outstanding. His small group focus is also appreciated. Combined with his easygoing, helpful personality, the small group makes for a laid-back experience. He also provided ample support in the field to help us get the most out of our photographs. Highly recommended.”